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The Data Warehouse Analysis and Design, Oracle Complete Assignment, Advanced Database A1

 The Data Warehouse Analysis And Design Assignment
The Data Warehouse Analysis And Design Assignment

Table of Contents

1. Data Warehouse - Analysis and Design
    1.1. Introduction to Data Warehouse
    1.2. Data Warehouse Rationale
    1.3. Data Warehouse Design Approach
    1.4. Data Warehouse Design Methodology
    1.5. Schema Types
    1.6. Star Schema Design
    1.7. Data Dictionary 
    1.8. Granularity of Data
    1.9. ETL Script
    1.10. Decisions of Data Maintenance and Slowly Changing Dimensions
    1.11. Data Warehouse Interface Suggestions

2. Forward Engineering of Star Schema Using QSEE
    2.1. Star Schema Set Up
    2.2. Data Gathering


1. Data Warehouse - Analysis and Design

On the basis of given scenario, it is found that Leeds City Council is interested in the benefits they could get from the data they have available. Since Leeds City Council is responsible for the provision of public transport in the regions along with ensuring the quality of the roads, lighting and services, they have asked me to represent data warehousing on the project which would help them to improve the use of public transport in the region and promote ‘healthy and environmentally friendly’ initiatives such as ‘cycle to work’ schemes. Thus, my task is to create a document that describes and outlines major key factors for their data warehouse design. So, let’s begin the document with introduction to data warehouse. 

1.1.            Introduction to Data Warehouse

A Data Warehouse simply is a database designed to enable business intelligence activities which helps users to understand and enhance organization’s performance as it is designed for query analysis rather than for transaction processing, and usually contains historical data derived from transaction data but can include data from multiple heterogeneous sources (, 2016).
According to W.H. Inmon (1992), “A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and non-volatile collection of data in support of management’s decision-making process”. Thus, the characteristics to be a data warehouse according to Inmon are discussed below:
a.      Subject-oriented: Here, subject oriented means organized around major subjects, like customer, sales, etc. It provides a simple and concise view around particular subject issues by excluding data that are not useful in the decision support process (Bellachia, 2016).
b.      Integrated: Integrated means, removing naming conflicts and inconsistencies among units of measure, while constructing data warehouse by integrating multiple, heterogeneous data sources like relational database, flat files, online transaction records, etc.
c.       Time-variant: Here, Time-variant refers to the time horizon of the data warehouse which is significantly longer than that of operational systems. It means that the data warehouse contains historical data which assists to discover trends and identify hidden patterns and relationships in business.
d.      Nonvolatile: Nonvolatile means the data are stored in read only format in data warehouse i.e. once entered into data warehouse, data should not change.
Other key characteristics of Data warehouse are
i.                    Data is structured for simplicity of access and high-speed query performance.
ii.                  End users are time-sensitive and desire speed-of-thought response times.
iii.                Large amount of historical data are used.
iv.                Queries often retrieve large amounts of data, perhaps many thousands of rows.
v.                  Both predefined and ad hoc queries are common.
vi.                The data load involves multiple sources and transformations.
Some of the key benefits of implementing data warehousing mechanism in Leeds City Council are discussed below
i.                    Better Decision Making: Data warehouse stores credible facts and statistics which will be useful on making better business decisions.
ii.                  Quick and easy access to data: Business users will be able to access data from multiple sources which allows them to make quick and accurate decisions with no or little support from an IT.
iii.                Data quality and consistency: Since data warehouse gather information from different sources and store it into a single, widely used format, departments will produce outcomes that are accurate and consistent with each other. 

1.2.            Data Warehouse Rationale

In a world of business today, fast response and quick decision making are key to success (Lapluea, 2016). This is where data warehouse comes in need. Data warehouse consists of both, current as well as historical data that are useful for quick and best decision makings. At Leeds City Council, there is huge amount of unmanaged random data (current as well as historical) about the transport systems, condition, types of vehicles, quality of roads, lighting and services, etc. Thus, Leeds City Council is in need of such system that allows them to analyze the past road conditions and services, and make future decisions to improve the use of public transport and promote ‘healthy and environmentally friendly’ initiatives.
“A data warehouse by itself does not create value but value comes from the use of the data in the warehouse.” (Parzinger and Frolick, 2001).
Developing a data warehouse is not an easy task but it is beneficial as it helps in crucial decision making. It also allows users to perform extensive analysis. Beside this, data into the warehouse are integrated (changes and updates are not allowed) but can be shared across the business units. Making a data warehouse will centralize and standardize the data, and will save current as well as the data from past. And to make future decisions on providing the good quality public transport, good roads, lighting and services, Leeds City Council need to analyze the data from past and know the changes, challenges, opportunities, etc. during this long period of time. And the data required for analysis and decision making process is obtained by making data warehouse. Thus, the Leeds City Council will be benefitted by making data warehouse for analyzing and decision making purpose which will assist to improve the use of public transport in the region and promote ‘healthy and environmentally friendly’ initiatives.

1.3.            Data Warehouse Design Approach

When designing a data warehouse solution, there are two major approaches: Third Normal Form or Top-Down Data Warehouse design approach also known as “Inmon” for its creator William Inmon and other is Dimensional or Bottom – Up Data Warehouse design approach also known as “Kimball” after Ralph Kimball. A third approach known as “Data Vault”, developed by Dan Lindstedt has also seen an increase in usage since its unveiling in the early 2000’s and serves as a bit of a hybrid between the two (MacLauchlan, 2013). On the basis of requirements of any project one of the approaches can be selected. Further discussion on these approaches is as follows
a.      Bill Inmon – Top-Down Data Warehouse Design Approach (Third Normal Form)
This methodology is based on top-down approach which was created by Bill Inmon also known as “Father of data warehousing”. Here, the data warehouse is typically built to be enterprise wide and maintenance is relatively simple because 3NF is easily human readable. It requires hefty ETL to integrate the source data into the 3NF format, and again to convert the warehouse to a dimensional model for the data marts.

b.      Ralph Kimball - Bottom-up Data Warehouse Design Approach (Dimensional)
Kimball, also known as Bottom up Data warehouse design approach is one of the best design approach where dimensional data marts are first created to provide reporting and analytical capabilities for specific business areas. Here, data marts are integrated to create a data warehouse using a bus architecture and consists of conformed dimensions between all the data marts. In this approach data warehouse is broken down into a number of logically self-contained and consistent data marts, rather than a big and complex centralized data warehouse.
c.       Data Vault
Among different data modeling approach, Data vault is designed to provide long-term historical data from multiple sources. In this model, every data is stored and every relationship is defined. Here, expanding an entity is quick and painless by the use of satellite records. Though optimal for data warehousing, feeding data marts out of the Data Vault can be a bit more complicated than the Kimball method (MacLauchlan, 2013). This is a hybrid solutions of Bill Inmon’s Top down model (3NF) and Kimball’s bottom up approach (Star Schema), and Dan Linstedt, the creator of the method, describes the resulting database as follows:
“The Data Vault Model is a detail oriented, historical tracking and uniquely linked set of normalized tables that support one or more functional areas of business.”
Kimball is the most frequently used methodology as the results can be seen quickly and can be developed iteratively (one mart at a time). As the definition says “Data warehouse is copy of transaction data specifically structured for query analysis”, the Data warehouse/BI is decomposed into manageable pieces by focusing on the organization’s core business processes, along with the associated conformed dimensions. Hence, I recommend Leeds City Council to use Kimball’s Bottom up Data warehouse design approach as it could be more beneficial in transport department to analyze the traffic status and changes in quality, quantity of traffic throughout the years. And it will also reduce time needed for reporting, lower data latency, and deliver more detailed, analytically useful information.

1.4.            Data Warehouse Design Methodology

Some of the major data warehouse design methodology are discussed below
a.      OLTP
OLTP is an acronym for On-line Transaction Processing which is characterized by a large number of short transactions like INSERT, UPDATE DELETE. Hence, OLTP can be defined as an information system type that prioritizes transaction processing, dealing with operational data. In OLTP database, there is detailed and current data, and schema used to store transactional databases is the entity model (usually 3NF) (, 2016). In OLTP database system data is frequently updated, requiring an effective write operations support. The main purpose of OLTP data is to control and run fundamental business tasks.
b.      OLAP
OLAP is an acronym for On-line Analytical Processing which is a computer technology term referring to systems focused on analyzing data in specific databases, and are characterized for their analytical capabilities, addressing multi-dimensional or one dimension data, processing all the information (DataOnFocus, 2016). Thus, this kind of databases are based on READ operations, aggregating all available information. This methodology is mostly applied in data warehouses which helps in optimizing, reading and aggregation operations of its multidimensional data model. The main purpose of OLAP data is to help with planning, problem solving, and decision support.
            Among these two methodologies, i.e. OLTP and OLAP, OLAP will be sued for transport department of Leeds City Council as it provides better performance for accessing multidimensional data by the use of aggregations. Beside this, OLAP system gives analytical capabilities (like forecasting and analyzing) that are not in SQL or are more difficult to obtain. And OLAP’s multidimensional view of data also provides the foundation for the analytical processing through flexible information access. Thus, OLAP is more beneficial for the Leeds City Council for analytical purposes of road quality, vehicle used on the roads, forecasting vehicle growth per year, etc.
            Possible reports that could be generated using the OLAP data warehouse of transport department of Leeds City Council are as follows
i.                    Total number of vehicles used in particular year in particular region.
ii.                  Types of vehicles and their numbers.
iii.                Length of roads and the number of vehicles used on that road on a particular year.
iv.                Local authority that takes care of roads and vehicles on particular region on particular year, etc.

1.5.            Schema Types

Schema, a collection of database objects, including tables, views, indexes, and synonyms. It is a logical description of an entire database. Like relational model for databases, Data warehouse uses different schema. They are as follows:
a.      Star Schema: Star Schema is probably the simplest data warehouse schema and resembles to the star with points radiating from center, so called star schema. This architecture consists of large and normalized (3NF) fact table at the center, and small de normalized, multiple dimension tables at the points. A star query joins fact table and a number of dimension tables using a primary key to foreign key join, but the dimension tables are not joined to each other.
b.      Snowflake Schema: A snowflake schema is an advanced form of star schema and is more complex than star schema. As the model resembles to a snowflake, it got its name. Unlike star schema, dimension tables are normalized in snowflake schema which reduces data redundancy. This normalization splits up the data into additional tables and gives the snowflake architecture. Snow flake schema are useful when there are low cardinality attributes in the dimensions.
c.       Fact Constellation Schema: Fact Constellation Schema, also called galaxy schema is another data warehouse architecture which contains multiple fact tables and resembles to the constellation in the sky. The main shortcoming of the fact constellation schema is a more complicated design because many variants for particular kinds of aggregation must be considered and selected (, 2016). Moreover, dimension tables are still large.
In order to develop data warehouse of transport department of Leeds City Council, star schema is implemented as it allows to quickly understand, navigate and analyze large multidimensional data sets. Since this approach has fewer tables and clear join paths, query will run faster than OLTP system. It also reduces the time required to load large batches of data. Thus, the Star Schema will be more beneficial to analyze the large amount of data in Leeds City Council. 

1.6.            Star Schema Design

Star Schema design for the transport department of Leeds City Council is as follows
Star Schema for Leeds City Transport
Star Schema for Leeds City Transport

1.7.            Data Dictionary

A.    Dimension Tables
a.       Dim_time
Field Name
Data Type
Primary Key
Unique Year ID
Not Null
Full Date

b.      Dim_region
Field Name
Data Type
Primary Key
Unique Region ID
Not Null
Full name of the region

c.       Dim_local_authority
Field Name
Data Type
Primary Key
Unique Local Authority ID
Not Null
Full name of local authority

d.      Dim_road
Field Name
Data Type
Primary Key
Unique Road ID
Not Null
Full name of road

Name of Start Junction of the road

Name of End Junction of the road

Length of the road

e.       Dim_road_category
Field Name
Data Type
Primary Key
Unique road category ID
Not Null
Full name of Road Category

f.        Dim_vehicles
Field Name
Data Type
Primary Key
Unique Local Authority ID
Not Null
Number of Pedal Cycles

Number of Motorcycles

Number of Car/Taxis

Number of Bus/Coaches

B.     Fact Table
Field Name
Data Type
Primary Key
Unique Id for the table
Not Null, Foreign Key
Unique Time ID
Not Null, Foreign Key
Unique Region ID
Not Null, Foreign Key
Unique Local Authority ID
Not Null, Foreign Key
Unique Road ID
Not Null, Foreign Key
Unique Road Category ID
Not Null, Foreign Key
Unique Vehicle ID
Not Null, Surrogate Key
Total number of vehicles

1.8.            Granularity of Data

Granularity of data in the data warehouse refers to the level of detail available in the data elements and is concerned with the level of summarization of the data elements. The more detail data that is available, the lower the level of granularity. Conversely, the lower the level of detail, the higher the level of granularity (or level of summarization of the data elements).
Granularity is an important aspect of data warehouse as it (granular data) can be summarized, aggregated, broken into many different subsets and so forth. Granularity also offers the opportunity for trade-off between important issues in data modeling like, performance versus volume of data (and the related cost of storing that data), the ability to access data at a very detailed level versus performance and the cost of storing and accessing large volumes of data (Ballard et al., 1998).

1.9.            ETL Script Design

ETL is an acronym for Extraction, Transformation and Loading. It is a process to get data out of the source and load it into the data warehouse. Simply, it is a process of copying data from one database to other. Here, data is extracted from an OLTP database, transformed to match the data warehouse schema and loaded into the OLAP data warehouse database (Priya and Sultana A., 2016). Using an ETL tool data can be extracted from flat files like spreadsheets and CSV files and load it into an OLAP data warehouse for data analysis and reporting.
The ETL script to design fact and dimension table for the data warehouse of transport department of Leeds City Council are as follows
QSEE generated scripts of the Star Schema developed is as follows

-- Database creation Script

-- Auto-Generated by QSEE-SuperLite (c) 2001-2004 QSEE-Technologies Ltd.

-- Verbose generation: ON

-- note: spaces within table/column names have been replaced by underscores (_)

-- Target DB: SQL2

-- Entity Model :Entity Relationship Diagram

-- To drop the tables generated by this script run -
--   'E:\The British College\Advance Database\Assignments\project\final_leeds_transport_drop.sql'


-- Table Creation --

-- Each entity on the model is represented by a table that needs to be created within the Database.
-- Within SQL new tables are created using the CREATE TABLE command.
-- When a table is created its name and its attributes are defined.
-- The values of which are derived from those specified on the model.
-- Certain constraints are sometimes also specified, such as identification of primary keys.

-- Create a Database table to represent the "dim_year" entity.
CREATE TABLE dim_time(
       time_id       INTEGER NOT NULL,
       year   DATE NOT NULL,
       -- Specify the PRIMARY KEY constraint for table "dim_year".
       -- This indicates which attribute(s) uniquely identify each row of data.
       CONSTRAINT    pk_dim_time PRIMARY KEY (time_id)

-- Create a Database table to represent the "dim_region" entity.
CREATE TABLE dim_region(
       region_id     INTEGER NOT NULL,
       region_name   VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
       -- Specify the PRIMARY KEY constraint for table "dim_region".
       -- This indicates which attribute(s) uniquely identify each row of data.
       CONSTRAINT    pk_dim_region PRIMARY KEY (region_id)

-- Create a Database table to represent the "dim_local_authority" entity.
CREATE TABLE dim_local_authority(
       local_authority_id   INTEGER NOT NULL,
       local_authority_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
       -- Specify the PRIMARY KEY constraint for table "dim_local_authority".
       -- This indicates which attribute(s) uniquely identify each row of data.
       CONSTRAINT    pk_dim_local_authority PRIMARY KEY (local_authority_id)

-- Create a Database table to represent the "dim_road" entity.
CREATE TABLE dim_road(
       road_id       INTEGER NOT NULL,
       road_name     VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
       start_junction       VARCHAR(100),
       end_junction  VARCHAR(100),
       link_length   DECIMAL(8,2),
       -- Specify the PRIMARY KEY constraint for table "dim_road".
       -- This indicates which attribute(s) uniquely identify each row of data.
       CONSTRAINT    pk_dim_road PRIMARY KEY (road_id)

-- Create a Database table to represent the "dim_road_category" entity.
CREATE TABLE dim_road_category(
       road_category_id     INTEGER NOT NULL,
       road_category VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
       -- Specify the PRIMARY KEY constraint for table "dim_road_category".
       -- This indicates which attribute(s) uniquely identify each row of data.
       CONSTRAINT    pk_dim_road_category PRIMARY KEY (road_category_id)

-- Create a Database table to represent the "dim_vehicles" entity.
CREATE TABLE dim_vehicles(
       vehicle_id    INTEGER NOT NULL,
       pedal_cycle   INTEGER NOT NULL,
       motorcycle    INTEGER NOT NULL,
       car_taxis     INTEGER NOT NULL,
       buses_coaches INTEGER NOT NULL,
       -- Specify the PRIMARY KEY constraint for table "dim_vehicles".
       -- This indicates which attribute(s) uniquely identify each row of data.
       CONSTRAINT    pk_dim_vehicles PRIMARY KEY (vehicle_id)

-- Create a Database table to represent the "fact_transport" entity.
CREATE TABLE fact_transport(
       fact_transport_id    INTEGER NOT NULL,
       time_id       INTEGER NOT NULL,
       region_id     INTEGER NOT NULL,
       local_authority_id   INTEGER NOT NULL,
       road_id       INTEGER NOT NULL,
       road_category_id     INTEGER NOT NULL,
       vehicle_id    INTEGER NOT NULL,
       total_vehicle INTEGER,
       fk1_year_id   INTEGER NOT NULL,
       fk2_region_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
       fk3_local_authority_id     INTEGER NOT NULL,
       fk4_road_id   INTEGER NOT NULL,
       fk5_road_category_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
       fk6_vehicle_id       INTEGER NOT NULL,
       -- Specify the PRIMARY KEY constraint for table "fact_transport".
       -- This indicates which attribute(s) uniquely identify each row of data.
       CONSTRAINT    pk_fact_transport PRIMARY KEY (fact_transport_id)

-- Alter Tables to add fk constraints --

-- Now all the tables have been created the ALTER TABLE command is used to define some additional
-- constraints.  These typically constrain values of foreign keys to be associated in some way
-- with the primary keys of related tables.  Foreign key constraints can actually be specified
-- when each table is created, but doing so can lead to dependency problems within the script
-- i.e. tables may be referenced before they have been created.  This method is therefore safer.

-- Alter table to add new constraints required to implement the "fk_year" relationship

-- This constraint ensures that the foreign key of table "fact_transport"
-- correctly references the primary key of table "dim_year"

ALTER TABLE fact_transport ADD CONSTRAINT fk1_fact_transport_to_dim_time FOREIGN KEY(fk1_time_id) REFERENCES dim_time(time_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT;

-- Alter table to add new constraints required to implement the "fk_region" relationship

-- This constraint ensures that the foreign key of table "fact_transport"
-- correctly references the primary key of table "dim_region"

ALTER TABLE fact_transport ADD CONSTRAINT fk2_fact_transport_to_dim_region FOREIGN KEY(fk2_region_id) REFERENCES dim_region(region_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT;

-- Alter table to add new constraints required to implement the "fk_local_authority" relationship

-- This constraint ensures that the foreign key of table "fact_transport"
-- correctly references the primary key of table "dim_local_authority"

ALTER TABLE fact_transport ADD CONSTRAINT fk3_fact_transport_to_dim_local_authority FOREIGN KEY(fk3_local_authority_id) REFERENCES dim_local_authority(local_authority_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT;

-- Alter table to add new constraints required to implement the "fk_road" relationship

-- This constraint ensures that the foreign key of table "fact_transport"
-- correctly references the primary key of table "dim_road"

ALTER TABLE fact_transport ADD CONSTRAINT fk4_fact_transport_to_dim_road FOREIGN KEY(fk4_road_id) REFERENCES dim_road(road_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT;

-- Alter table to add new constraints required to implement the "fk_road_category" relationship

-- This constraint ensures that the foreign key of table "fact_transport"
-- correctly references the primary key of table "dim_road_category"

ALTER TABLE fact_transport ADD CONSTRAINT fk5_fact_transport_to_dim_road_category FOREIGN KEY(fk5_road_category_id) REFERENCES dim_road_category(road_category_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT;

-- Alter table to add new constraints required to implement the "fk_vehicles" relationship

-- This constraint ensures that the foreign key of table "fact_transport"
-- correctly references the primary key of table "dim_vehicles"

ALTER TABLE fact_transport ADD CONSTRAINT fk6_fact_transport_to_dim_vehicles FOREIGN KEY(fk6_vehicle_id) REFERENCES dim_vehicles(vehicle_id) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT;

-- End of DDL file auto-generation

1.10.            Decisions on Data Maintenance and Slowly Changing Dimensions

Data Maintenance
Consider How often data will be uploaded (updated) in the data warehouse.
Maintaining the data in data warehouse means keeping the data very well organized, updating the warehouse to fit constantly changing business requirements and reviewing all updates. Data can be maintained on the data warehouse using following steps
i.                    Regularly updating the data warehouse by removing unnecessary data and duplicate entries, cleaning up redundant data and inconsistent relationships.
ii.                  Keeping the web log lean and deleting the summarized data regularly, as over-congested logs will decrease performance speed.
iii.                Evaluating whether to expand the warehouse every time a new profile properties is added, as every database object can only contain a certain number of properties.
iv.                Transforming data by combining multiple fields into one field; breaking down data fields into separate fields based on year, month and day; mapping related data sets into a single representation; and applying surrogate keys to dimension table records.
v.                  Keeping users of the warehouse well-trained on how to create queries, access database structures and handle unexpected contingencies.
Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD)
According to Kimball, Slowly Changing Dimension is the name of data management process that loads both historical and current data over time into dimension table in data warehouse. In order to adopt SCD, the data needs to change slowly on an irregular, random and variable schedule.
There are six different types of SCD methodologies, namely Type 0, Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4 and Type 6. Among them, first three are commonly practiced. All of this types of Slowly Changing Dimensions are discussed below:
i.                    Type 0: In this type of SCD, changes in data are not updated, so the original values of the record remain in the dimensions that was initially created.
ii.                  Type 1: This type of SCD is easy to maintain and it overwrites old records with new records. No historical observation are kept in this data warehouse.
iii.                Type 2: In this type of SCD, the records are updated by inserting new observation while preserving the observations. In this type of SCD, unlimited historical observations can be preserved with this type.
iv.                Type 3: This SCD type updates the record by creating new dimensions to the table structure and preserves the limited history (only the previous record could be preserved).
v.                  Type 4: Type 4 SCD updates the record in the current data table and preserves all or some historical observations in an archive table.
vi.                Type 6: Type 6 methodology is a hybrid methodology of Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 (1+2+3=6). It integrates Type 3 SCD by creating additional dimensions to the table structure while preserving historical observation. Similarly it incorporates Type 2 and Type 1 by creating new dimensions to include the different version number and by updating the latest records in the observation respectively (Lihui, Choy and L.F. Cheong, 2013).

1.11.            Data Warehouse Interface Suggestions

In order to design data warehouse application for the transport department of the Leeds City Council, Star Schema and OLAP design approach and methodology has been chosen. Using Star Schema, different dimension tables and fact tables were designed as required. In order to access and maintain data warehouse by the non-technical person, a simple, responsive User Interface will be designed using Oracle Apex. 

2.      Forward Engineering of Star Schema Using QSEE

2.1.            Star Schema Set Up

Star Schema of data warehouse for transport department of Leeds City Council is as follows:
Star Schema for Leeds City Transport
Star Schema for Leeds City Transport
The scripts to create the above fact and dimension tables for transport department of Leeds City Council are as follows
i.                    Dim_time
DROP table dim_time;

create table dim_time(
    time_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    year date NOT NULL

ALTER table dim_time add constraint pk_timeid primary key (time_id);
create sequence seq_timeid
start with 1
increment by 1

ii.                  Dim_region
DROP table dim_region;

create table dim_region(
    region_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    region_name VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE dim_region add constraint pk_regionid primary key (region_id);

create sequence seq_regionid
start with 1
increment by 1

iii.                Dim_local_authority
DROP TABLE dim_local_authority;

CREATE TABLE dim_local_authority(
    local_authority_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    local_authority_name VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE dim_local_authority ADD CONSTRAINT pk_localauthorityid PRIMARY KEY (local_authority_id);

create sequence seq_localauthorityid
start with 1
increment by 1

iv.                Dim_vehicles
DROP TABLE dim_vehicles;

CREATE TABLE dim_vehicles(
    vehicle_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    pedal_cycle NUMBER(10),
    motorcycle NUMBER(10),
    car_taxis NUMBER(10),
    buses_coaches NUMBER(10)

ALTER TABLE dim_vehicles ADD CONSTRAINT pk_vehicleid PRIMARY KEY (vehicle_id);

create sequence seq_vehicleid
start with 1
increment by 1

v.                  Dim_road
DROP TABLE dim_road;

CREATE TABLE dim_road(
    road_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    road_name VARCHAR2(150) NOT NULL,
    start_junction VARCHAR2(150),
    end_junction VARCHAR2(150),
    link_length DECIMAL

ALTER TABLE dim_road ADD CONSTRAINT pk_roadid PRIMARY KEY (road_id);
create sequence seq_roadid
start with 1
increment by 1

vi.                Dim_road_category
DROP TABLE road_category;

CREATE TABLE road_category(
    road_category_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    road_category VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE road_category ADD CONSTRAINT pk_roadcategoryid PRIMARY KEY (road_category_id);

create sequence seq_roadcategoryid
start with 1
increment by 1

vii.              Fact_transport
DROP TABLE fact_transport;

CREATE TABLE fact_transport(
    id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    time_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    region_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    local_authority_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    road_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    road_category_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
    vehicle_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE fact_transport ADD CONSTRAINT fk_time_id FOREIGN KEY (time_id) REFERENCES dim_time (time_id);

ALTER TABLE fact_transport ADD CONSTRAINT fk_region_id FOREIGN KEY (region_id) REFERENCES dim_region (region_id);

ALTER TABLE fact_transport ADD CONSTRAINT fk_localauthority_id FOREIGN KEY (local_authority_id) REFERENCES dim_local_authority (local_authority_id);

ALTER TABLE fact_transport ADD CONSTRAINT fk_road_id FOREIGN KEY (road_id) REFERENCES dim_road (road_id);

ALTER TABLE fact_transport ADD CONSTRAINT fk_road_category_id FOREIGN KEY (road_category_id) REFERENCES dim_road_category (road_category_id);

ALTER TABLE fact_transport ADD CONSTRAINT fk_vehicle_id FOREIGN KEY (vehicle_id) REFERENCES dim_vehicles (vehicle_id);

create sequence seq_id
start with 1
increment by 1
After running the queries above, table created are shown in the following image

Dim and Fact Tables Created after Running Queries
Dim and Fact Tables Created after Running Queries

2.2.            Data Gathering

A.    Leeds City Council’s transport data in csv format
Leeds City Transport Data in CSV format
Leeds City Transport Data in CSV format

A.    Uploading the csv data into staging area using Apex tools
In order to collect data needed for data warehouse of transport department of Leeds City Council, the data in spreadsheet should be uploaded to staging area using Apex tools. Steps to upload the data is as follows:
1. Go to Oracle Home Page
Oracle Home Page
Oracle Home Page

2. Then Click on SQL Workshop, following dashboard will open
 Go to SQL Workshop
Go to SQL Workshop

3. Now go to utilities tab
Go to Utilities Tab
Go to Utilities Tab

4. And then Click on Data Workshop
Go to Data Workshop
Go to Data Workshop

5. Now Select the spreadsheet data. Load data tab will open.
6. Now check on new table. Also check on Upload file to upload the spreadsheet data then click on next.
Check on New Table
Check on New Table

7. Now click on browse button and select the spreadsheet file to upload and click next.
Click on Browse Button and Select Spreadsheet File
Click on Browse Button and Select Spreadsheet File

8. Now give the table name and click on next button.
 Give the Table Name and Click on Next
Give the Table Name and Click on Next

9. Finally click on Load data button. And the data will be uploaded to the staging area.
Click on Load Data Button
Click on Load Data Button

10. Final output after the data is successfully uploaded to staging area from csv file.
Final Output after data is loaded
Final Output after data is loaded


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