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Database Security and Implementation, Advanced Database B1, Oracle

Database Security and Implementation, Advanced Database B1, Oracle
Database Security and Implementation, Advanced Database B1, Oracle

Table of Contents

A.    Introduction

1.      Data and Database Security

Simply, Data Security can be defined as the protective digital privacy measures that are applied to protect data in computers, databases and websites from corruption and unauthorized access which possess threat and could harm an organization or an individual. The focus behind data security is to ensure privacy while protecting personal or corporate data. Here, Data is the raw form of information stored as columns and rows in our databases, network servers and personal computers and may contain wide range of information from personal files, images and intellectual property to market analytics and details intended to top secret (, 2017).
In general terms, Database is a collection of information stored in computer and security is being free from danger. SO, Database Security can be described as the mechanisms that protect the database against intentional or accidental threats. In other words, Database Security refers to the collective measures used to protect and secure a database or database management software from illegitimate use and malicious threats and attack. It is a general term that includes a multitude of processes, tools and methodologies that ensure security within a database environment (, 2017).

2.      Importance of Data and Database Security

With the development of information technology, every data is stored digitally in this modern digital world. And these data could be in any forms like client information, payment information, personal files, bank account details, etc. and can be hard to replace and potentially dangerous if it falls into the wrong hand. Losing data to hackers or a malware infection can have much greater consequences than data lost due to disasters like flood and fire. Data loss damages organizations in a large variety of ways and is expensive, with estimated costs around USD200 per record breached; an average of USD6.8 million per total breach (Anon, 2017). Besides this, Personal data of any one can be used by hackers to create fake credit cards, drivers license, etc. Hence, the data security is important to protect ourselves and organization from hackers and other malicious attacks which can ruin our lives, property and business.
In the above paragraph we discussed about the importance of data security, now let’s discuss about the importance of database security. Security is an important issue in database management because information stored in the database is very valuable and many time, very sensitive commodity. It may contain data like transactions, customers, employee info, financial data, etc. and much more. So, the data in database should be protected from abuse and should be protected from unauthorized access and updates (Thakur, 2017).  A threat is any situation, event or personal that will adversely affect the database security and the smooth and efficient functioning of the organization. Beside this, customers might lose trust on that organization if any data is lost which may cause collapsing of the organization. Thus, the organization should identify all the risk factors and weak elements from the database security Perspective and find solutions to counter and neutralize each such threat.

3.      Securing Data and Database

As we discussed about data security, database security and their importance in our day to day lives. Hence, let’s discuss about the measures we can take to secure these data and databases. Some of the measures to secure data are discussed below
a.      Using Internet Security
Internet Security or Antivirus is must in every computer as it protects from viruses, malware and other online attacks. Different Anti viruses like Windows Defender, PC Tune Up Utilities, Norton, etc. can be used in any PCs.
b.      Using VPN Service
Similarly, using VPN service is another way of securing our data which encrypts the online data. VPN provides the flow of encrypted data and anonymously web surfing features. 
c.       Using Data Back Up Service
Among different data security measures, it is also another important measure to secure the data, as it is used to back up (save) data regularly into different devices which helps to recover data from unwanted data loss. In these days, data can be saved into different cloud services to be safe from natural or unnatural data losses and access it from anywhere around the world.
Some of the measures to secure database of any organization is discussed below:
a.       Database administrator should understand the business value and importance of ensuring database of the organization.
b.      In order to encounter SQL Injections, parameterized queries should be used to keep malicious queries out of our database.
c.       Static Code Analysis is an essential tool for organizations developing applications as portals to databases to slash SQL injection, buffer overflow, and mis-configuration issues.
d.      In order to prevent data loss due to forced shutdown, Uninterruptible Power Supply, or UPS should be used.
e.       The features and services that are essential for the company should be installed to work smoothly with the database. More features and services means more things to update, and the more holes hackers have a chance to poke through (Vonnegut, 2017).
f.        Users must be authorized carefully to reduce the chance of any such user giving access to an intruder in exchange for a bribe or other favors, etc.

B.     Security Plans

1.      Placement Process Control

Place U is a recruiting company in the field of IT and media. And it has number of employees (Consultant) who manage the business of meeting companies (accounts) and understanding the individual they require for particular vacancy (placement). Then consultants set up meeting between account and the interested candidate (contractor). On the basis of feedback of interview they offer placement to the contractor.
Let’s discuss about the working architecture of Placement Process Control. Firstly, the consultant adds the placement which is viewed by the contractor and apply for the placement. Then the application is viewed by the consultant and the meeting between the contractor and account is set.

2.      Necessity of Security Feature(How it will be implemented)

As we discussed above, Place U offers placement to different contractors in association with Account. And while creating placement, consultant might make mistakes intentionally or unintentionally like creating many placement a day, inserting salary which is greater than a maximum salary, updating close placements, etc. In order to check such human errors, security feature is applied to the Placement Process Control. Three different security feature is implemented in this section which is discussed below

i.                    Allowing only Consultant to the application who are DB User
Here, the apex application should only allow the user who are DB User. It should show an error message if any apex user or non DB user tries to login.
ii.                  Allowing consultant to ‘create’ only five placements a day
In order to implement this security feature, an extra audit table will be created which will save the logged in username, added date and operation made (i.e. Placement Created). These data will be inserted using trigger. Firstly, the total number of placement created on that day will be counted using the trigger. If the total number of placement created on that day is greater than 5 then an error will be raised else the data will be inserted in the audit table using trigger. At the same time placement will also be created using Apex form if the total number of placement on that day is less than 5.
iii.                Audit whenever a consultant attempts to add a placement with salary over the ‘max_salary’
In order to check this security feature, a trigger is created which compares the actual salary and max salary while creating placement. And if the actual salary is greater than the max salary then the trigger will raise an error.
iv.                Only allowing a consultant to update a currently ‘open’ placement
Here, an extra column is added into the lds_placement table with the column heading ‘status’ and it declares whether the created placement is open or close. Whenever a consultant attempts to make changes in placement whose status is ‘close’, then the trigger will check whether the status is ‘open’ or ‘close’, if the status is closed then the trigger will raise an error.

3.      Implementation code of the Security Feature

In order to implement the security feature in Placement Process Control, following codes are used.
i.                    Allowing only Consultant to the application who are DB User
Two Users created and granted permission
CREATE USER vj identified vj123;
CREATE USER saiman identified saiman123;
ii.                  Creating trigger to allow consultant to add only five placement a day.
Creating Audit Table
CREATE TABLE tbl_create_placement_audit(
audit_id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
username VARCHAR2(150) NOT NULL,
addedDate Date NOT NULL,
Operation VARCHAR2(150) NOT NULL

Creating Sequence for Audit Table
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_audit_placement_id

Creating Trigger for auto increment in Audit Table
CREATE OR REPLACE  TRIGGER trg_create_replacement_audit
ON tbl_create_placement_audit
:new.audit_id := seq_audit_placement_id.nextval;

Finally creating Trigger to check the number of placement
create or replace TRIGGER trg_create_placement_check
ON lds_placement
no_placement INTEGER;

SELECT COUNT (*) INTO no_placement FROM tbl_create_placement_audit WHERE username = UPPER(v('APP_USER')) AND to_date(ADDEDDATE) = to_date(sysdate);
IF no_placement > 4 THEN
raise_application_error (-2011,'Sorry! A consultant can only create five placements a day.');
INSERT INTO tbl_create_placement_audit(username,addedDate,Operation) VALUES (UPPER(v('APP_USER')),SYSDATE,'CREATE NEW PLACEMENT');

iii.                Creating trigger to raise an error if the actual salary is greater than max salary while creating placement.
create or replace TRIGGER trg_placement_salary_check
ON lds_placement
IF :new.actual_salary > :new.max_salary THEN
raise_application_error (-2011,'Sorry! Actual Salary cannot be more than Maximum Salary.');

iv.                Creating trigger to allow a consultant to update a currently ‘open’ placement
create or replace TRIGGER trg_placement_status_check
ON lds_placement
IF :new.plt_status = 'close' THEN
raise_application_error (-2011,'Sorry! Only Open Placement can be Updated.');

4.      Evidence of Security Feature Implementation

i.                    All tables and data loaded as provided
All Tables and Data Loaded
All Tables and Data Loaded

ii.                  Consultant (DB User) with grants to session and Resources Created.
User VJ Created and Grant Session and Resource Given
User VJ Created and Grant Session and Resource Given
User Saiman Created and Grant Sessiona nd Resources
User Saiman Created and Grant Sessiona nd Resources

iii.                Extra Table to audit the number of placement made on a day is created
Table to audit the placement created
Table to audit the placement created

iv.                Sequence created for above audit table
Sequence Created for Audit Table
Sequence Created for Audit Table

v.                  Trigger created to add auto increment value in audit table above.
Trigger Created to insert Auto Increment Value in Audit Table
Trigger Created to insert Auto Increment Value in Audit Table

vi.                Created trigger to check total number of placement on a day made and raise error total number exceeds 5.
Trigger Created to Check Total Number of Placement Created a Day
Trigger Created to Check Total Number of Placement Created a Day

vii.              Created trigger to check the max salary and actual salary and raise error if the actual salary is greater than max salary.
Trigger Created to Check Actual and Max Salary
Trigger Created to Check Actual and Max Salary

viii.            Created trigger that raises error if a consultant attempts to make changes on a placement that has ‘close’ status
Trigger Created to Check if the Placement Status is Open or Close
Trigger Created to Check if the Placement Status is Open or Close

5.      Security Feature Testing

Testing done on the security feature implemented in Placement Process Control are as follows
Tested Date
What was tested?
Expected Output
27th Jan, 2017
Tried to login with apex user.
User should not get access and error message should pop out.
Passed [User was not logged in and error message was displayed]

Actual Output

Login Check with Apex User
Login Check with Apex User

Tested Date
What was tested?
Expected Output
27th Jan, 2017
Login Tested with DB User.
User should be logged in and home page should be displayed.
Passed [User was successfully added and home page was displayed.]

Actual Output

Login Check With DB User
Login Check With DB User

Tested Date
What was tested?
Expected Output
27th Jan, 2017
All the details on create placement form was filled and create button was clicked.
New placement should be created successfully.
Passed [Placement was successfully created.]

Actual Output

Placement Created
Placement Created

Tested Date
What was tested?
Expected Output
27th Jan, 2017
Sixth placement was added on same date by same user.
Sixth placement should not be added and error message should be displayed.
Passed [Error Message was displayed.]

Actual Output

Tried to Add Sixth placement
Tried to Add Sixth placement

Tested Date
What was tested?
Expected Output
27th Jan, 2017
Tried to add placement with a salary over the ‘max salary’.
Placement should not be added and error message should be displayed.
Passed [Error message was displayed.]

Actual Output

Tried to Add Salary More than Max Salary
Tried to Add Salary More than Max Salary

Tested Date
What was tested?
Expected Output
27th Jan, 2017
Tried to update placement with ‘close’ status.
Placement should not be updated and error message should be displayed.
Passed [Placement was not updated and error message was displayed.]

Actual Output

Tried to Update Close Placement
Tried to Update Close Placement

C.    References

Anon, (2017). Why is data security important. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jan. 2017]. (2017). What is Data Security?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jan. 2017]. (2017). What is Data Security? - Definition from Techopedia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jan. 2017].
Thakur, D. (2017). What is Importance, Levels, Requirement of Security in Database Environment?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jan. 2017].
Vonnegut, S. (2017). The Importance of Database Security and Integrity. [online] Checkmarx. Available at: [Accessed 27 Jan. 2017].
