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Multi-Lingual Blog in PHP and MySQLi

Multi-Lingual Blog in PHP and MySQLi

This is a simple blog website which supports multi-languages (english, nepali and chinese). This is just for educational purpose (not for commercial use).
This is an Open Source Project, So feel free to explore (use) in any ways you like.

Technologies Used

  1. HTML5
  2. CSS3
  3. PHP
  4. MySQLi


1. Custom Categories Manager
2. Custom Posts Manager
3. Manage Users Manager
4. Secure Login in Multiple Languages

Supported Languages

  1. English
  2. Nepali
  3. Chinese

Website at a Glance in Multiple Languages (English, Nepali and Chinese)

Login Page in Multiple Languages
Login Page in Multiple Languages

Categories Manager in Multiple Languages
Categories Manager in Multiple Languages
Homepage in Multiple Languages
Homepage in Multiple Languages

Instructions to Use

  1. Download or clone the project from Github. ( CLICK HERE )
  2. Now extract the files in your root directory (if in server) or inside htdocs in local server (i.e. XAMPP, WAMPP, LAMPP)
  3. Extract the database from mlb2018.rar.
  4. Now go to phpmyadmin and create a database named 'mlb2018' then import the database.
  5. Now, go to the root directory, then open admin folder, again open config folder.
  6. Then open constants.php file.
  7. Now change the value of constants SITEURL, LOCALHOST, DBNAME, USERNAME and PASSWORD.
SITEURL - It is the URL for your website e.g. http://localhost:81/phpmultilingualblog/ . It might be different for you.
LOCALHOST - It is a Server Name (If you don't know about it, then don't make the changes).
DBNAME - Name of your database for the website.
USERNAME - Username to connect database.
PASSWORD - Password to connect database.

CMS - Admin Panel

This is a very simple Content Management System (No advanced stuffs). Instructions to use
1. Go to the link -> yourhomeurl/admin  e.g. http://localhost:81/phpmultilingualblog/admin

2. Login with the Username and Password [Username: admin, Password: admin]
3. Hola! You're logged in. Now you can manage categories, posts and users.

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